The MEHRIT Centre
Founded in 2011 by Dr. Stuart Shanker, The MEHRIT Centre is Stuart's Canadian-based organization dedicated to understanding how we all respond to stress in the same way: we thrive when it is positive, we struggle when it is excessive.

The MEHRIT Centre provides training in Shanker Self-Reg®, including the 5 Steps (Reframe, Recognize, Reduce, Reflect & Restore) & 5 Domains (Biological, Emotion, Cognitive, Social & Prosocial) of Self-Reg. 

For more information, check out our core website SELF-REG.CA, where you can find the latest Self-Reg blogs, toolsnews & our extensive resource library.

Our Vision

Calm, alert children, youth and adults flourishing in physically and emotionally nurturing environments.

Our Mission

To ground learning and living in self-regulation.

Our Mantra

THIS child, THIS youth, THIS parent, THIS teacher, THIS practitioner, THIS classroom, THIS learning space, THIS school, THIS campus, THIS country, THIS community, THIS globe.


The Shanker Self-Reg® Learning Hub is a gathering space for all things Self-Reg. 

This Hub is the result of over a decade of work by our founder Dr. Stuart Shanker, the leadership of our Executive Director & CEO Susan Hopkins, The MEHRIT Centre and, most importantly, YOU. Without your feedback, your support & your love for your communities and children in your care, this Hub would not have been possible. 

What Will You Find on the HUB?

  • Self-Reg Self-Paced Courses
  • Webinars
  • Events
  • Stories (coming soon)
  • Discussion Areas (coming soon)
  • Free Self-Reg Content

At this time, Self-Reg Certificate Programs are located elsewhere on The MEHRIT Centre's online eSchool as they require facilitation and cannot yet be hosted on this platform.

Learn with The MEHRIT Centre

Don't hesitate

Join us today to learn how to bring Self-Reg to your school, early years center, home, organization or community!