Overthrowing the Victorian Telos
Join Dr. Shanker as he unpacks more than 170 years of history, social trends, and scientific thinking that have influenced the Self-Controllist and Behaviorist theories and practices that have dominated early child development theory and practice.
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Self-Reg’s (paradigm) revolutionary agenda
What does it mean to describe Self-Reg as a paradigm revolution rather than just another swing in the paradigm that has governed our thinking about childrearing for close to two centuries? In order to have a paradigm revolution, you have to know what it is that you are overthrowing. To answer this question, Dr. Shanker looks at the roots of self-controllism in Behaviorism, which in turn was grounded in the Victorian view of childrearing. It is a view which led to a mental health crisis at the end of the 19th century and is doing so again today.
In this webinar, Dr. Shanker will begin to map out the Self-Reg paradigm revolution that is transforming our thinking about what is most important in enhancing the healthy development of children aged 0-8 and building their capacity for life-long learning, social engagement, and well-being.
Join Dr. Shanker as he unpacks more than 170 years of history, social trends, and scientific thinking that have influenced the Self-Controllist and Behaviorist theories and practices that have dominated early child development theory and practice.
Topics include:
Topics include:
- The Victorian ethos that still influences our thinking about child development and education
- Behaviourism: John Watson’s attempt to develop a “scientific” approach to childrearing
- The costs of the Victorian paradigm that blunts embodied self-awareness
- The leading role that Self-Reg educators must play in overthrowing this paradigm
Meet the instructor
Dr. Stuart Shanker
Stuart Shanker is the author of the Self-Reg trilogy: Calm, Alert, and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation (Pearson 2012), Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage With Life (Penguin 2016), Reframed: Self-Reg for a Just Society (UofT Press 2020); and with Susan Hopkins, Self-Reg Schools: A Handbook for Educators (Pearson 2019). In 2012, Stuart founded The MEHRIT Centre as a Self-Reg learning and information centre for parents, educators, the leaders of today, and the leaders of tomorrow.
Patrick Jones - Course author